SOS Africa

Children's Charity

(UK Registered NGO: 1188705 / SA Registered NPO: 183-821)

SOS Africa Children's Charity launches Gordon's Bay Education Programme to provide holistic support to children from Sir Lowry's Pass Village Community...

SOS Africa Children's Charity Launches Gordon's Bay Education Programme

The start of the new school year is exciting for so many reasons… Our staff our reunited with the SOS kids after the long school holidays while the first few days are always filled with the sharing of stories of memorable experiences from the Christmas break. It is also a time for new beginnings as our children begin different grades with new teachers and classmates. But this January had added excitement for our staff and sponsors as our children’s charity launched its new Gordon’s Bay Education Programme.

SOS Africa Children's Charity Launches Gordon's Bay Education Programme

Following the founding of a new partnership with Sir Lowry’s Pass Village Primary school in late 2021, this new initiative will provide holistic education and care to children from the Sir Lowry’s Pass Community every weekday afternoon. Based at the charity’s new premises in Gordon’s Bay, the children will receive a nutritious lunch, homework support and mentoring. The beneficiaries will also participate in a wide range of extra-curricular activities including art lessons, gardening, swimming lessons, creative play and much more.

SOS Africa Children's Charity Launches Gordon's Bay Education Programme

Currently in the planning phase, later this year the charity’s Gordon’s Bay premises will also undergo a complete transformation as the pre-existing property is developed to provide holistic education and care to children across a broad scope of age ranges from across the area. Regular updates on this project can be found on the blog, including the design brief and latest plans for the new facility.

SOS Africa Children's Charity Launches Gordon's Bay Education Programme

In the meantime, the premises are currently permitted to host up to 6 children at any one time and programme facilitator Teacher Anuska is taking full advantage of this opportunity:

“The children are very excited to be here and throughout the first week we organised fun activities such as painting, sandpit play and gardening to get a sense of how they will work both individually and together as a group.”

SOS Africa Children's Charity Launches Gordon's Bay Education Programme

“Now that they are more settled, we are trying to get a broad understanding of the subjects covered in class to ensure that we successfully supplement and support their learning experience. Whilst we assist with their schoolwork, we also try to avoid creating another classroom, but rather a safe space where the learners can express themselves and discover their talents.”

SOS Africa Children's Charity Launches Gordon's Bay Education Programme

“The education process must also continue away from our centre; we also involve our children’s families through regular communication, parent meetings and workshops. It is heart-warming to see how proud and willing they are to play a key role in this partnership.”

SOS Africa Children's Charity Launches Gordon's Bay Education Programme

Meanwhile, SOS Africa’s other education programmes continue to grow and develop: the charity’s 5 education centres now provide holistic education and care for 81 children, in partnership with 10 schools across 3 regions. The SOS Africa staff are also trained to provide reading and scribe services and learning support to hundreds of children in attendance at partnering schools. The charity also sponsors vital building projects and counselling services when required. Later in the year, the team also hopes to introduce a high school scholarship programme to tackle the rising high school drop-out rate throughout the Sir Lowry’s Pass Village Community.

SOS Africa Children's Charity Launches Gordon's Bay Education Programme

 “I am very excited for the year ahead and wish our team and wonderful children all the best for 2022 – may we all reach for the stars and fulfil our true potential. To our amazing sponsors, we are truly blessed and honoured with the faith you have in us and the limitless support you provide – we couldn’t do it without you!” (SOS Africa Western Cape Operations Manager, Li-andi Claassen)

SOS Africa Children's Charity Launches Gordon's Bay Education Programme

Photo Credit: Yeahyeah Photography