In this week’s episode of The Good Interview, The Good Newspaper crew visited SOS Africa’s newest Education Centre located in Gordon’s Bay to talk with Matt Crowcombe, the founder of the organisation. 22 years ago, Matt visited South Africa on a gap-year when he was 18, it would be a trip that changed the trajectory of his life. Whilst there, he had met a boy named Thabo who had much potential but no means to actuate it do to his circumstances. Realising that he would be able to fund Thabo’s schooling with his own pocket money, Matt ended up doing so and changed the course of the child’s life.
Years later, now with international as well as local funding, partnerships, and multiple education centres, SOS Africa is at the forefront of aiding the education and development of disadvantaged children. From morning classes helping those who have fallen behind in their education due to learning disabilities, the organisation also provides nutritional support, mentoring, tutoring, art and carpentry lessons, gardening, music practice, yoga, and even self-defence classes; Matt, Claudia and their ever-growing team have built up the organisation to be able to provide fully holistic education programmes.
Throughout the 45 interview they discuss the impetus behind SOS Africa’s creation, how it has grown and evolved over the years, the programmes on offer, the challenges facing the communities, funding management, the selection process for the children who partake, the role of donors and partnerships, and much more.
If you are interested supporting South Africa’s youth and enhancing their educational opportunities, this is an interview that you don’t want to miss!