SOS Africa

Children's Charity

(UK Registered NGO: 1188705 / SA Registered NPO: 183-821)

SOS Africa introduces group mentoring sessions to help the SOS Africa children prepare for the challenges they might face during their teenage years and beyond...

SOS Africa introduces group mentoring sessions to help the SOS Africa children prepare for the challenges they might face during their teenage years and beyond...

Growing up can be tough! Who am I? Am I good enough? Am I different? Do I fit in? For teenagers growing up in disadvantaged communities often characterised by high crime rates, alcoholism, drug abuse and gangs, finding the answers and making the right choices is not easy!

SOS Africa introduces group mentoring sessions to help the SOS Africa children prepare for the challenges they might face during their teenage years and beyond...

As part of SOS Africa’s holistic approach to education, the South African based children’s charity recently introduced group mentoring sessions run in partnership with local social workers. The sessions discuss many of these topics to help teenagers understand more about themselves and those around them.

Launched in October, the first round of sessions focused on the theme of identity and self-worth. The facilitators organised a range of interactive activities encouraging participants to explore their own strengths, how they are seen by others and the roles they play in their family, school or wider community.

SOS Africa introduces group mentoring sessions to help the SOS Africa children prepare for the challenges they might face during their teenage years and beyond...

During the first activity learners were asked to look into a mirror and share with the group what they loved most about themselves. It was clear from their responses that many had never before considered this question:

“When some learners did not have the confidence to acknowledge how beautiful they are, they were encouraged by other members of the group. The activity really brought the group closer together.” Facilitator Li-andi Claassen.

SOS Africa introduces group mentoring sessions to help the SOS Africa children prepare for the challenges they might face during their teenage years and beyond...

“As part of a ‘How do others see me?’ activity, children were encouraged to share their first impressions of their peers on pages stuck to their backs. The activity was empowering to see. Some of the learners couldn’t believe what others wrote on their pages. It was moving to see how such a simple exercise can have such a big impact upon their confidence and self-esteem.”

SOS Africa introduces group mentoring sessions to help the SOS Africa children prepare for the challenges they might face during their teenage years and beyond...

“When later discussing the roles they play in their family, school and wider community, it was clear that many of the participants where taken aback by the challenges faced by their peers. The activity really gave the children a platform to get to know each other better.”

Social worker Gershon Witbooi organised sessions for teenage boys sponsored by the organisation: “The kids found these activities to be very impactful; the interactions and feedback were hugely encouraging as they shared the positive and negative aspects of each of their lives.”

SOS Africa introduces group mentoring sessions to help the SOS Africa children prepare for the challenges they might face during their teenage years and beyond...

“These are talented young teenage boys are willing to learn, share and grow during the sessions that are being conducted. I look forward to exploring more themes with them next term.”

Over the coming months, similar sessions will be organised which cover a range of themes including peer pressure, bullying, drug and alcohol abuse and teenage pregnancy. Although the facilitators do not promise to provide all the answers, they hope to give these children a safe and friendly environment in which they can explore these themes, learn about themselves and feel empowered to make the right choices whenever difficult challenges come their way.

SOS Africa introduces group mentoring sessions to help the SOS Africa children prepare for the challenges they might face during their teenage years and beyond...